Teleports the player to their current saved location. Binding +mom_saveloc_current and holding the set key down, freezes the player and loads the saveloc. Releasing the set key (-mom_saveloc_current) will unfreeze the player.
Teleports the player to their current saved location. Binding +mom_saveloc_current and holding the set key down, freezes the player and loads the saveloc. Releasing the set key (-mom_saveloc_current) will unfreeze the player.
Imports savelocs from another map into the current map. Includes parameter autocompletion, which fills with maps that have at least one saveloc. Does nothing if the player is not in a map. Usage Example # mom_saveloc_import surf_example Imports surf_example’s savelocs into the current map.
Goes to the first saveloc in the list and teleports the player to it.
Goes to the given saveloc number in the list, teleporting the player to it. Usage Examples # mom_saveloc_create Creates a save, starting at the number 1 mom_saveloc_nav_goto 1 Teleports the player to the first save created.
Goes to the last saveloc in the list and teleports the player to it.
Goes forwards through the saveloc list, while teleporting the player to each.
Goes backwards through the saveloc list, while teleporting the player to each.
Removes all of the created savelocs for the current map.
Removes the current saveloc.
Starts spectating. Starts in free roam spectate mode if there are no active ghosts (players) on your map. Takes an optional parameter that is either the steam ID or name of the player to spectate. Usage Examples # mom_spectate Starts spectating. mom_spectate aaa Starts spectating player with name aaa, aaaa, aaab, etc. mom_spectate 99999999999999999 Starts spectating player with steam ID 99999999999999999.