

trigger, map, track, teleport

Trigger that teleports the player to their last touched trigger_momentum_progress. Keyvalues # Remote Destination (target<target_destination>) Ignored for this trigger. Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>) When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity). Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>) Scale the player’s velocity per-axis. Default is “1 1 1”. Teleport mode (mode<choices>) Mode of teleportation. 0: Default (do nothing, just teleport) 1: Reset velocity 2: Keep negative Z (downwards) velocity 3: Redirect velocity to destination angles 4: Landmark teleport Defaults to 1; reset velocity. ...


timer, trigger, checkpoint

A trigger entity in Momentum Mod that splits the timer. It is used on Linear maps and can not be reset to, unlike Stages. Checkpoint Zones cannot be used at the same time as Stage Zones. Looking for more general info on Zones? Check the Zone Types page. Keyvalues # Track Number (track_number<integer>) The track that this zone belongs to: -1: All Tracks 0: Main Map 1+: Bonus Tracks Zone Number (zone_number<integer>) ...


timer, trigger, stage

A trigger entity in Momentum Mod that marks the start of a stage. It is used on Staged maps and can be reset to via mom_restart_stage . Stage Zones cannot be used at the same time as Checkpoint Zones. Looking for more general info on Zones? Check the Zone Types page. Keyvalues # Track Number (track_number<integer>) The track that this zone belongs to: -1: All Tracks 0: Main Map 1+: Bonus Tracks Zone Number (zone_number<integer>) ...


timer, trigger, start

A trigger entity in Momentum Mod that starts the map or bonus upon leaving it. Looking for more general info on Zones? Check the Zone Types page. Keyvalues # Track Number (track_number<integer>) The track that this zone belongs to: -1: All Tracks 0: Main Map 1+: Bonus Tracks Zone Number (zone_number<integer>) The zone number of the trigger: Zone number 0 is reserved for invalid and stop triggers. Zone number 1 is reserved for start triggers. ...


timer, trigger, stop

A trigger entity in Momentum Mod that ends the map or bonus upon entering it. Looking for more general info on Zones? Check the Zone Types page. Keyvalues # Track Number (track_number<integer>) The track that this zone belongs to: -1: All Tracks 0: Main Map 1+: Bonus Tracks Zone Number (zone_number<integer>) The zone number of the trigger: Zone number 0 is reserved for invalid and stop triggers. Zone number 1 is reserved for start triggers. ...



A trigger for reversing the speed of the player in a particular axis. Keyvalues # Reverse horizontal speed (ReverseHorizontal<integer>) Whether or not the trigger reverses the player’s horizontal (x/y axis) speed: 0: Do not reverse horizontal speed. 1: Reverse horizontal speed. (Default) Reverse vertical speed (ReverseVertical<integer>) Whether or not the trigger reverses the player’s vertical (z axis) speed: 0: Do not reverse vertical speed. 1: Reverse vertical speed. (Default) Update every intervals (OnThink<integer>) ...



A trigger for setting the speed of the player in a particular axis or direction. If you want to change the player’s velocity, use a push trigger instead. If you want to send the player in a specific direction, use a catapult instead. Keyvalues # Keep horizontal speed (KeepHorizontalSpeed<integer>) Whether or not the trigger affects the player’s horizontal (x/y axis) speed: 0: Affects horizontal speed. (Default) 1: Does not affect horizontal speed. ...


rocket jump, sticky jump, conc, trigger

A trigger volume that can stick explosives to or inside of its area. Keyvalues # Method of explosive stick (mode<choices>) Explosive sticking behavior. 0: Stick on collision inside this area 1: Stick on entering this area Defaults to 0. Input # Stick(void) Sticks all explosives in this area. Unstick(void) Unsticks all explosives in this area. Explode(void) Explodes all explosives in this area. Fizzle(void) Fizzles all explosives in this area.


trigger, sticky jump

A trigger that controls the maximum number of stickybombs the player is allowed to shoot. Keyvalues # Stickybomb limit (stickybomb_limit<integer>) The maximum number of stickybombs the player is allowed to have present while in this trigger. Values are 2-20. Default is 3. Persist (persist<choices>) No (0) Yes (1) Whether the limit persists on leaving the trigger, or resets back to 3. Default is 0.


teleport, map, track, trigger

A trigger volume that teleports entities that touch it. Entities are teleported to the Remote Destination. Keyvalues # Remote Destination (target<target_destination>) The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported. Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>) When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity). Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>) Scale the player’s velocity per-axis. ...