Changes the anticipation logic for wallrunning, 0 = None; 1 = Eye roll only, 2 - Full (bumps).
Changes the anticipation logic for wallrunning, 0 = None; 1 = Eye roll only, 2 - Full (bumps).
Changes the wallrun speed boost.
Changes the max angle of the wall normal to end a wallrun. Higher values allow the player to wallrun across sharper turns.
Changes the player’s min Z (up/down) position for starting a wallrun with the player’s feet below the bottom edge of the wall.
Changes the scaling factor for how much to steer inward toward the wall when wallrunning.
Changes the fraction of wallrun speed to add to jump speed.
Changes the fraction of player speed when they push off a wall.
Changes how long to wait before aligning the player’s view with their move direction when wallrunning, in seconds.
Changes the amount of time (in seconds) to lookahead for bumps or corners when wallrunning.
Changes the scaling factor for adjusting the player’s view to look where they’re going when wallrunning.