

gamemode, info, bhop, bunnyhop

What is Bhop? # Bhop, short for “Bunny Hop”, is a very popular gamemode found in many games, such as CS:GO, TF2, and others. History of Bhop # TODO full history of bhop, mentioning defrag probably as the grandpa How Bhop Works # Jump, move mouse left, hold A Jump, move mouse right, hold D Repeat TODO

Porting Goldsrc maps to Source

bhop, climb, conc, mapping, porting, guide

This guide is a work in progress. If you have questions or problems ask for help in the Momentum Mod Discord. # Before you start, you should know that maps with simple geometry work best for porting. Complex geometry can cause invalid solids which will need to be manually remade, and some textures will need to be realigned. Prerequisites: Have a basic understanding of Goldsrc, Valve Hammer Editor, and potentially Trenchbroom Download the . ...


movement, player, surf, bhop, ahop, parkour, tricksurf

Toggles jump input for gamemodes with autohop. Toggle resets when hitting a fail teleport (see trigger_teleport , trigger_momentum_teleport_progress , trigger_momentum_multihop , and trigger_momentum_onehop ), and when restarting a map or stage via mom_restart or mom_restart_stage respectively.


trigger, player, map, ahop, bhop, limit, restrict, movement

Trigger that prevents the player from doing specific keypress movements. Keyvalue # Track Number (track_number<integer>) The track that this trigger belongs to: -1: All Tracks 0: Main Map 1+: Bonus Tracks Flags # Prevent the player from moving forward (8192) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving to the left (16384) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving to the right (32768) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving backward (65536) ...


trigger, map, bhop, player

Trigger that allows for multiple hops inside of it, and teleports the player if they stay inside for longer than the hold time. Keyvalues # Remote Destination (target<target_destination>) The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported. Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>) When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity). Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>) ...