

func, trigger, TF2, limit, explosion, rocket jump, sticky jump, conc

Rockets, stickybombs, conc grenades, and other explosives will not detonate/explode inside this area. Keyvalues # Explosive prevention method (explosion_prevention_type<choices>) Determines the method of explosive prevention. 0: “[Default] Fizzle explosives upon detonation. This is the TF2 default.” 1: “Fizzle only airborne (handheld concs included) explosives upon detonation.” 2: “Fizzle upon landing instead of on attempted detonation.” 3: “Fizzle explosive immediately upon it entering the trigger.”


trigger, player, map, ahop, bhop, limit, restrict, movement

Trigger that prevents the player from doing specific keypress movements. Keyvalue # Track Number (track_number<integer>) The track that this trigger belongs to: -1: All Tracks 0: Main Map 1+: Bonus Tracks Flags # Prevent the player from moving forward (8192) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving to the left (16384) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving to the right (32768) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving backward (65536) ...