point entity


mapbase, filter, point entity

This page covers the various additions and enhancements from Mapbase. Filters # Added the following Mapbase filters: filter_activator_context filter_activator_involume filter_activator_keyfield filter_activator_model filter_activator_surfacedata Logic Entities # Added the following logic entities from Mapbase: point_camera_ortho math_vector math_mod math_lightpattern math_generate math_counter_advanced math_clamp math_bits logic_sequence logic_keyfield logic_format logic_entity_position logic_datadesc_accessor logic_convar logic_context_accessor logic_console game_globalvars Descriptions of these can be found on Mapbase’s entity list. Skyboxes # New features for sky_camera, including multiple sky_camera’s. Also skybox_swapper for swapping the 2D skybox texture without having to reload the map. ...


explosion, TF2, point entity

Generic Bomb Keyvalues # Explosion Damage (damage<float>) Amount of damage to do when exploding. The default value is 50. Explosion Radius (radius<float>) Explosion radius. The default value is 100. Health (health<integer>) Health of the bomb. The default value is 1. Explosion Sound (sound<sound>) Name of the sound effect to play when exploding. Input # input Detonate(void) Force detonation. Output # OnDetonate(void) Fired when this bomb detonates.